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► Adjectives never take plural
► About a text:
The text deals with; the text reads; the text is about
► Modal verbs:


"English at Once" is a blog that intends to become a guide for students, offering help and showing tips to avoid the most common grammar mistakes. You will find, once a week, an entry with an error and how it must be corrected. You will also find tips for the writing or the oral, the typical "False Friends" and everything you need to speak a better English. Welcome on board! Welcome to English at Once!
English at Once. A better English © 2009

Special Simple Present cases

The Simple Present Tense is used for everyday actions,likes and dislikes. You often use adverbs of frequence with it.
As you may know, you use the infinive with the subjects I, you, we, they. However, when the subjects of the sentence are 'he, she, it', the infinitive form takes an 's':

I always have breakfast at home.
They usually go to the cinema.
She rarely reads French literature.
Paul loves watching TV


When the verb ends in 'o', 's', 'sh', 'ch', 'x' or 'z', 'ES' (instead of 's') are added:
Dad washes his car (to wash)
The students matches the sentences (to match)
The alarm clock buzzes at 9 o'clock every morning (to buzz)

ALSO, if the verb ends in 'y', you change the 'y' into 'i' and then 'ES' is added:

The girl cries when her mother leaves (to cry)
The boy studies german (to study)

Anyway, there are some exceptions:
To play - He/she/it plays
To pay - He/she/it pays

P: download a Powerpoint about Simple Present tense here.
Or you can visit thise website: FORTUNECITY

So, what do your friend/wife/husband does in everyday life?

I'm waiting for your answers!